Breaking News
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

If you are using Windows 7 or higher will provide protection confirmation on this program run select "Run Program"
Select "Delphi 7"
Select "Next"
Enter "Serial Number" and "Authorization Key" then select "Next"
Select License Agreement "I Agree the Terms in the license Agrement" than select "Next"
Select "Next"
Select Setup Type "Typical" than "Next"
Check List Option "VisiBroker" than select "Next"

Select Microsoft Office with "Office XP" then "Next"
Uncheck "Install InterBase Client" than "Next"
Change "Destination Folder" or leave than "Next" to "Default"
Checklist "Save installation database to hard drive (recommended)" than "Next"
Click "Install"
When the Installation Complete will usually appear "Recommended Install VisiBroker 4.5", the following:
If you want to install just select the "OK" button and the advanced course in each notice later. If the installation process is completed, the following display appears:
Click "Finish"


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